FGBA-SA Monthly Meetings

FGBA-SA holds monthly meetings from February through to November, on the last Saturday of each month.

The Meeting in Detail:


This is an opportunity before the meeting to meet and start getting to know others with whom to start building business and ministry relationships.

If you are a tad shy, our host team will help you.

Business / Ministry Promotion

During this time you will have 30 seconds to:

  • Promote your business / ministry.

  • Ask for referrals to specific people, organisations and businesses.
  • First and second time attendees have 30 seconds to promote to the whole room.
  • Attendees from their 3rd meeting onwards get to promote for 30 seconds to their table. 

It is not just the people in the room ... it is the 200 people they each know who you may be able to receive an introduction to.

Sponsors Segment

The sponsor of the meeting is given 4 minutes to promote their business / ministry from the podium, which has led to many opportunites in previous meetings.

This is a thank you to them for sponsoring the meeting costs.

Sharing stories and testimonials

This is a time for sharing:

  • Progress in your journey in obeying the Great Commission
  • Doors that God's Holy Spirit has opened up for you
  • The "nation" you have just started working with
  • Relationships that God's Holy Spirit is opening up for you.
  • Salvations you have been blessed to witness.

  • Blessings that God has given you.

We contact people ahead of time so they can prepared with a concise 3 minute testimonial.

Keynote Speakers Segment

The keynote speaker will share stories of their journey in relation to the Great Commission and their walk with God in regards to their business / ministry.

It is an opportunity to dive deeper into why and how Christ's light to shines through them.

Come along and allow the Holy Spirit to energise and inspire you.

Equipping Segment

During this part of the programme we share information and resources for use in evangelism in our local communities, and workplaces.

Prayer in small groups

The  most important part of the meeting is where we break into small groups and pray for each other in relation to what we need for ourselves, our ministries and businesses.

This allows us the time to pray in supplication to our Lord and Savior, and also use the authority we have been given by Jesus Christ through his Name, His Blood sacrifice on the cross, and the Holy Spirit.

Open Networking

Once prayers have finished, attendees are free to network with others that may be of benefit. We find that face to face meetings are often set up to start building mutually beneficial relationships that lead to greater opportunities.

Businesses and ministries have the opportunity to sponsor the meeting and have extra time to promote their business/ministry during the meeting.

Meeting Sponsorship

Meeting sponsorship covers the hire of the room and associated costs for a specific meeting.

The meeting sponsorship is $250 per meeting.

Please refer to the form below to register your interest in sponsoring a meeting (or several).

You will have 4 minutes (timed) to promote your business and/or ministry.

Yes you can have up to 2 rollup banners on display.

Absolutely yes - business cards and flyers are welcome, and we suggest you put a flyer and card on every seat before the meeting begins.

  • How your business/ministry can help others.
  • The name of a person, ministry or business you would love an introduction to.
  • What type of referral would you love to receive.

When attendees book into the meeting, the sponsors details will appear on the front page of the booking form, along with a link to the sponsors web site.

We post your details on our social media platforms including:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook

This is done after the meeting to remind people to engage with you.

Please register your interest in sponsoring a meeting by submitting the form below.

We will contact you once we receive the form to discuss what will work best for you, and the availabilty of meetings.

Meeting Sponsorship Interest

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