Other Resources

Business Card Salvation Prompter

This is a fantastic tool to prompt conversations, and on the rear of the card we have a QR code to a web site page on salvation, and your mobile number ...

or we can put a short bible verse of your choosing on the rear along with your mobile number.

Why put on your details? Once someone has read this card, they may not act immediately, and may want your help at a later time.

If you would like to purchase some cards, please fill out the form below, and choose your option. This will go to our supplier who will print and invoice you.

Our supplier will make a small donation to FGBA from every order which will help run our meetings and cover some administration costs.

FGBA Salvation Business Card rear - generic
FGBA Salvation Business Card rear - custom

Business Card Salvation Prompter

Gone Where Logo

Share a roadmap to hope and eternal salvation for those left behind to follow.

Over the last few years we have seen the corruption of Institutions, and the people divided, but there is a God in Heaven who is ultimately in control and we know how the story ends. His story is unfolding before our eyes. Many Believers are watching the news and seeing events align with Bible prophecy.

Other Christians are staying faithful to God, but are not focused on the End Times. And the rest of Humanity is carrying on regardless, with a growing sense of gloom and hopelessness, as the geopolitical lawlessness and economic chaos looms large.

Gone Where is our response to the current times, to summarise and share a message of hope and encouragement, whose origin is from outside of time; authentic information for inspiration and ultimately for transformation.

Soon the Church will be gone from the Earth, as Jesus promised in John 14, but you can leave a legacy.

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