Equipping - Self Preparation

Stage 1 of equipping- Self Preparation - is all about prayer. There are three steps in this stage, and all can occur during the same period of time. For example, during the process of spiritual cleansing, you can seek the will of Jesus in relation to your passion and purpose.

Where to begin: Spiritual Cleansing

Before embarking on an evangelism path, we must ensure that our defence structure is solid. The enemy will attack you via any weakness in your defenses. Paul the apostle tells us to stand firm:

  • with the belt of truth,
  • with the breastplate of righteousness,
  • with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace,
  • and to take up the shield of faith,
  • and take the helmet of salvation.

The wonderful thing is that that as your belief and faith gets tested over and over, it becomes stronger and stronger, praise Jesus.

The enemy will seek out any weakness in your armour, including:

  • any unforgiveness in your life,
  • evil covenants made by your lineage in the past,
  • hidden sin,
  • pride of any type,
  • strongholds over your life.

If any of these are found in your life and are not confessed and repented of, the accuser, Satan, will bring that to the attention of God and use them to stop you, distract you from, confuse you, or delay your efforts. Job had only 1 gap in his armour, and Satan was able to use that against him legally in the Courts of Heaven. (Job 1: 1-22). Satan still uses the same legal mechanism today, unless prevented through our own spiritual cleansing through the blood of Jesus.

Salvation is one part of the armour. We have to know the truth, remain righteuous, be ready to speak the gospel, and by faith demonstrate it all.

Perhaps read these books to help in your preparation:

  • Prayers And Declarations That Open The Courts of Heaven – Robert Henderson
  • Dangerous Prayers From the Courts Of Heaven That Destroy Evil Altars – Dr Francis Myles
  • Issuing Divine Restraining Orders From the Courts Of Heaven – Dr Francis Myles & Robert Henderson.
  • Binding The Strongman Over America – Dr John Benefiel (Chapter on The Baal Divorce Decree)

You can also seek out strong spiritual warriors who can guide and pray with you.

Step 1: Identify your passion and purpose

Who will you evangelise to?

This is the most important question to ask of God regarding evangelism. Have the courage to ask this question, and know that the Holy Spirit will lead you in the direction of what He wants.  The following may help:

Heavenly Father, Lord, thank you for all that Jesus has done for me that allows me to stand in this Holy place. I declare from this place that You Lord, are my Lord and King. I surrender to you all that I am. I thank you that before time began, I had a book written in Heaven regarding my destiny and future. I was created for divine purpose. As I present myself to you through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, I ask that through your Holy Spirit you reveal to me what my mission is in your Harvest field as written in my book? Lord, please reveal to me what is the nation you want me to go into and work in your harvest field?

Lord, I lay aside anything that is of my own desires and not yours. Should what I want interfere with Your intent, I lay it before you. I say with Jesus according to Hebrews 5:7, “I come, O Lord, it is written of me in the volume of the book to do Your will.” Your will, Lord, is my passion. Please allow Your desires and purposes to be fulfilled in me as they are written in the volume of the book in heaven.

Thank you, Lord, and I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

You may be pleasantly surprised that it fits in with a passion of yours. It may be a sport, politics, theatre, music, bushwalkng, fishing, education, camping, business, finance, homeless people, and so on. This is your mission field - the harvest field that Jesus wants you to work in.

Step 2: Identify your nation/tribe

Once you have discovered the passion, its time to work out where to work. In Matthew 28: 19, Jesus tell us to make disciples of nations. Have you ever asked yourself - "how do I disciple a nation?" Perhaps not. To disciple a nation appears a daunting task, until you understand two concepts.

  • What a nation is.
  • Influence.

What is a nation?

A nation is a group of people with a common language, common purpose, and can be defined with a geographical boundary. Every nation has a hierarchy of leadership and a set of governing rules.

Have you ever heard someone talk about their "football family", their "surf lifesaving family", their "business network family", their "workplace family" and so on? These are the nations we can enter, and there are tens of thousands of them. You may love playing scrabble and be part of a club that meets regularly. That could be your "nation".

What is Influence?

The power to change or affect someone or something—especially the power to cause changes without directly forcing those changes to happen. Influence can also refer to a person or thing that affects someone or something in an important way.

As you prayerfully investigate different spheres of influence, one will stand out for you. Within that sphere of influence, it will be a subset that you will feel drawn into. For example, the arts and entertainment sphere has many subsets. It could be music, painting, dance, acting, movie making, a sport etc. You will be drawn to one of them. Listen to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit.

It is also likely to be one where you speak the language of that nation, For example, if your passion is car drifting, then you speak their language which includes words such as “clipping point, clipping zone, clutch kick, drift stitch, wall ride, manji drift, kansei”, and many more. If you are not a car drifter, this language makes no sense to you, and shows you are not of that nation. However, if you are passionate about car drifting, not only will you know what these terms mean, you will have experienced most of them, and can talk animatedly about them.

This allows us to build meaningful and genuine relationships where the influence of the Holy Spirit working through us can lead to salvations. What we build must have integrity and strength if we are to honour and glorify to Jesus.

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